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Nutrition for Women This is the new food guide pyramid information website. Just for starters this website provides tips and resources, food portions (to include some great portion pictures), and the MyPyramid Tracker, an online dietary and physical activity assessment tool.

American Dietetics Association: The national website for dietitians that provides a variety of information for the public. Check out the tip of the day and monthly features.

DASH Diet: provides a week's worth of sample menus, recipes, heart healthy dishes, and an easy-to-read summary on the findings from the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension clinical study. It also has a form to track food habits before starting the plan and a chart to help with meal planning and food shopping.

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Use this website to investigate some of the different herbs and supplements.

Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health: Provides background information on a variety of supplements, fact sheets on dietary supplements, vitamins and minerals, and botanicals.

Environmental Protection Agency’s Fish Advisory Website: An excellent resource for information regarding the safety of locally caught fish and shellfish.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration: Provides additional information about the risks of mercury in fish and shellfish.




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